usage: color_wheel.py [-h] [-m {w,g,G}] [-c {rgb,hsv,hsl}] [map_name] num_cols ... Make various color wheels Written by Roger Kaufman <polyhedrasmith@gmail.com> positional arguments: map_name map name or definition. if file type .off is seen, build map from off file num_cols number of map colors. non-negative integer. zero for all colors of an off file rest argument string at end are passed to planar options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m {w,g,G}, --model {w,g,G} type of model. w - wheel, g - grid, G - globe (default: w) -c {rgb,hsv,hsl}, --col_sys {rgb,hsv,hsl} rgb, hsv or hsl (default: rgb)
color_wheel -m w rainbow7 7 | antiview
color_wheel -m g rainbow7 7 | antiview
color_wheel -m G rainbow7 7 | antiview
color_wheel -m w rainbow3 3 -y | antiview
Programs and Documentation
embeddip.py - Embed a dipyramid within a cube in various positions