usage: embeddip.py [-h] [-p PYRAMIDHEIGHT] [-m {d,e,D,E}] [-D DIPYRAMIDCOLOR] [-C CUBECOLOR] [-E EDGECOLOR] [-V VERTEXCOLOR] [-v] [polygon_fraction] Embed a dipyramid within a cube in various positions Written by Roger Kaufman <polyhedrasmith@gmail.com> Math by Adrian Rossiter (www.antiprism.com) positional arguments: polygon_fraction number of sides of the base polygon (N), or a fraction for star polygons (N/D) (default: 6) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PYRAMIDHEIGHT, --pyramidHeight PYRAMIDHEIGHT height of pyramid (default: 1) -m {d,e,D,E}, --model {d,e,D,E} embed dipyramid in cube faces(d), edges(e), alternative view: faces(D), edges(E) (default: d) -D DIPYRAMIDCOLOR, --dipyramidColor DIPYRAMIDCOLOR an X11 color name (default: red) -C CUBECOLOR, --cubeColor CUBECOLOR an X11 color name (default: yellow) -E EDGECOLOR, --edgeColor EDGECOLOR an X11 color name (default: lightgray) -V VERTEXCOLOR, --vertexColor VERTEXCOLOR an X11 color name (default: gold) -v, --verbose output calculated values
embeddip.py 6
embeddip.py -m D 6 | antiview
Programs and Documentation
inscribe.py - Inscribe one OFF model inside another OFF model