usage: kaufman.py [-h] [-c] [-E EDGECOLOR] [-V VERTEXCOLOR] [-v] [off_file] n Make Kaufman Polyhedra. A Kaufman Polyhedra is the convex hull of a base model merged with it's canonical reciprocal. It is the same as a conway join: conway j^n input_file | canonical | off_color -f S -m spread Written by Roger Kaufman <polyhedrasmith@gmail.com> positional arguments: off_file OFF file or Antiprism built-in model. can also be from standard input n number of interations. non-negative integer options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --conway use conway notation join -E EDGECOLOR, --edgeColor EDGECOLOR an X11 color name (default: lightgray) -V VERTEXCOLOR, --vertexColor VERTEXCOLOR an X11 color name (default: gold) -v, --verbose allow reporting output from canonical
kaufman.py cube 5 -v | antiview
kaufman.py cube 5 -c -v | antiview
Programs and Documentation
rotyz.py - Rotate an element of an OFF file to Y (0,1,0) and a second element to Z (0,0,1)