Usage: off_sym [options] [input_files] Add visual symmetry elements to an OFF file as seen in antiview. Note that any off file viewer must be able to handle invisible elements invisible is defined as rgba = (0,0,0,0). Elements should be hidden with off_sys rather than the viewer because the symmetry elements are made of faces Options -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help) --version version information -H Symmetry help and Symmetry Model help (from off_util -H help) -x <elms> hide model elements. The element string can include v, e, f or a to hide vertices, edges, faces, or a to remove all elements -s <syms> show symmetry elements. The element string can include x - rotation axes m - mirror planes r - rotation-reflection planes a - all elements (same as xmr) -y align geometry with the standard alignment for a symmetry type, up to three comma separated parts: symmetry subgroup (Schoenflies notation) or 'full', conjugation type (integer), realignment (colon separated list of an integer then decimal numbers) -z restore starting alignment (can undo conjugation alignment) -S scale of symmetry elements for sub-symmetries (default: 1.1) -L list symmetries, with conjugations and realignments -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
off_sym -s a tet -x f | antiview
off_trans -R 10,20,-30 ant12 | off_sym -s a -y D3v -z | antiview
Programs and Documentation
snoflake.py - Generate Snow Flake like models