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Antiprism Addons - View an OFF file with an online html browser OFF file viewer

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


usage: [-h] [-v VERTEX_RADIUS] [-e EDGE_RADIUS]
                  [-x {v,e,f} [{v,e,f} ...]] [-l] [-V VERTEX_COLOR]
                  [-rot ROTATION_SPEED] [-rotax ROTATION_AXIS]
                  [-t TRANSPARENCY] [-url {number from 0 to 3}]
                  [-browser {number from 0 to 3}]
                  [-port {number from 0 to 65535}]
                  [-sleep from 1 to 3600 seconds] [--version]

View an OFF file with an online html browser OFF file viewer.

Written by Roger Kaufman <>

positional arguments:
  off_file              OFF file. can also be from standard input

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERTEX_RADIUS, --vertex_radius VERTEX_RADIUS
                        vertex sphere radius (range 0.0-1.0) (default: 0.03)
  -e EDGE_RADIUS, --edge_radius EDGE_RADIUS
                        edge cylinder radius (range 0.0-1.0) (default: 0.02)
  -x {v,e,f} [{v,e,f} ...], --hide_elements {v,e,f} [{v,e,f} ...]
                        hide elements. to hide vertices, edges and faces
  -l, --black_edges     paint edges black (overrides -V,-E) (default: use
                        defined colors)
  -V VERTEX_COLOR, --vertex_color VERTEX_COLOR
                        vertex color override. hexadecimal value of length 6
                        or 8 or "invisible" (url 1,2)
  -E EDGE_COLOR, --edge_color EDGE_COLOR
                        edge color override. hexadecimal value of length 6 or
                        8 or "invisible" (url 1,2)
  -F FACE_COLOR, --face_color FACE_COLOR
                        face color override. hexadecimal value of length 6 or
                        8 or "invisible" (url 1,2)
                        background color. hexadecimal value of length 6 or
                        "invisible" (default: cccccc)
  -rot ROTATION_SPEED, --rotation_speed ROTATION_SPEED
                        rotational speed (url 1,2) (default: 0)
  -rotax ROTATION_AXIS, --rotation_axis ROTATION_AXIS
                        rotational axis as x,y,z (url 1,2) (default: 0,1,0)
                        face transparency. from 0 (invisible) to 1.0 (opaque)
                        (url 3 only) (default: 1.0)
  -url {number from 0 to 3}, --url {number from 0 to 3}
                        url of online viewer, 0 to list (default: 1)
  -browser {number from 0 to 3}, --browser {number from 0 to 3}
                        browser, 0 to list (default: 2)
  -port {number from 0 to 65535}, --port {number from 0 to 65535}
                        port number for server (default: 8080)
  -sleep from 1 to 3600 seconds, --sleep from 1 to 3600 seconds
                        time in seconds before server shutdown (default: 4)
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Display a geodesic model at one quarter opacity
off_util geo_t3 | off_color -r A0.25 |

Produce a model with conway notation, color it with off_color_radial and then display it without vertices or edges
conway p^2sD | off_color_radial | -x v e

Produce a model with n_icons and display it
n_icons -n 32/8 -t 4 |

Produce a model with n_icons and display it with the ASOC viewer
n_icons -n 48/12 -t 6 -z 3 -M 36,27 | -url 2

Plot 256 random colors. Display on default viewer (1) or the ASOC viewer (2)
col_util -d 1 -m rand256 | offview -url 1
col_util -d 1 -m rand256 | offview -url 2

Display Uniform Compound 5 in a windows view (using url 3)
off_util uc5 | offview -x v e -url 3

Display Uniform Compound 30 in a windows view animated with rotation
off_util uc30 | offview -rot 1 -url 3


offview was developed by Roger Kaufman.

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