usage: rotyz.py [-h] [-e {V,E,F}] [-n ELEMNUM1] [-E {V,E,F}] [-N ELEMNUM2] [-v] off_file Rotate an element of an OFF file to Y (0,1,0) and a second element to Z (0,0,1) Written by Roger Kaufman <polyhedrasmith@gmail.com> positional arguments: off_file off file options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e {V,E,F}, --elemtype1 {V,E,F} element type to rotate to Y -n ELEMNUM1, --elemnum1 ELEMNUM1 element number to rotate to Y (default: 0) -E {V,E,F}, --elemtype2 {V,E,F} element type to rotate to Z -N ELEMNUM2, --elemnum2 ELEMNUM2 element number to rotate to Z (default: 0) -v, --verbose output calculated values
rotyz.py u27 -e F -n 0 -E V -N 28 | antiview rotyz.py rhombicosidodecahedron -e F -n 0 -E V -N 28 | antiview
rotyz.py geo_1_1 -e F -n 0 -E V -N 0 | antiview
Programs and Documentation
stepview.py - Step through and view OFF or OBJ files in a directory