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Antiprism Addons - Generate Snow Flake like models

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: snoflake [options]

Generates Snow Flake like models

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -s <int>  spokes (default: 6)
  -b <ang>  branch angle (default: 60.0)
  -r <rat>  ratio (default: Phi (~0.6180339887))
  -g <seg>  stopping segment size (default 0)
              -g 0 give all control to -R recursion limit
  -R <int>  maximum allowable recurion levels (default: 5)
  -o <file> file name for output (otherwise prints to stdout)

Coloring Options
  -E <col>  color the edges according to: (default: white)
               u - unique color
               s - symmetric coloring [,sub_group,conj_type]
  -V <col>  color the vertices: (default: e)
               e - color with average adjacent edge color
               u - unique color
               s - symmetric coloring [,sub_group,conj_type]
  -T <t,e>  transparency. from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque). element is any
            or all of, v - vertices, e - edges, a - all (default: a)
  -m <maps> a comma separated list of color maps used to transform color
            indexes (default: colorful), a part consisting of letters from
            v, e, selects the element types to apply the map list to
            (default 've'). use map name of 'index' to output index numbers
               colorful:   red,darkorange1,yellow,darkgreen,cyan,blue,magenta,


Generate the default snowflake
snoflake | antiview

Display a 12 sided snowflake with branch angles of 60 degrees.
snoflake -s 12 -b 60 | antiview


snoflake was developed by Roger Kaufman,

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Next: - Uniform Polyhedra, ported for OFF file output (Zvi Har'El)