usage: trapstel.py [-h] [-m {t,a} [{t,a} ...]] [-r] [-T TRAPEZOHEDRONCOLOR] [-A ANTIPRISMCOLOR] [-E EDGECOLOR] [-V VERTEXCOLOR] [-v] [polygon_fraction] Make a trapezohedron of a height that is both dual to an antiprism and is also its stellation. When n/d = 2, make a compound of tetrahedra. Written by Roger Kaufman <polyhedrasmith@gmail.com> Math by Adrian Rossiter (www.antiprism.com) positional arguments: polygon_fraction number of sides of the base polygon (N), or a fraction for star polygons (N/D) (default: 6) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m {t,a} [{t,a} ...], --model {t,a} [{t,a} ...] output trapezohedron(t), reciprocal antiprism(a), or both (default: t) -r, --rotateAntiprism rotate antiprism into trapezohedron (default: False) -T TRAPEZOHEDRONCOLOR, --trapezohedronColor TRAPEZOHEDRONCOLOR an X11 color name (default: red) -A ANTIPRISMCOLOR, --antiprismColor ANTIPRISMCOLOR an X11 color name (default: blue) -E EDGECOLOR, --edgeColor EDGECOLOR an X11 color name (default: lightgray) -V VERTEXCOLOR, --vertexColor VERTEXCOLOR an X11 color name (default: gold) -v, --verbose output calculated values
trapstel.py 5 -m t a | antiview
trapstel.py 7/3 -m t a -r | antiview
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