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vr1tovr2 - Convert vrml 1.0 to vrml 2.0 via vrml1tovrml2.exe

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: vr1tovr2 [options]

Convert vrml 1.0 to vrml 2.0 via vrml1tovrml2.exe (external program). If
input_file is not given the program reads from standard input.

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -p        pass any non-vrml 1.0 file to output unchanged
  -o <file> file name for output (otherwise prints to stdout)


Convert a vrml1 file to vrml2 file
vr1tovr2 (vrml1 file) > (vrml2 file)

Convert a vrml1 file to vrml2 file. If it isn't a vrml1 file, pass the file unchanged to output
vr1tovr2 -p (vrml1 file) > (vrml2 file)


vr1tovr2 was developed by Roger Kaufman. The program is a wrapper for vrml1tovrml2.exe. The program only works when cross compiled for Windows and executed in a Windows environment. Package is here.

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