Usage: vrml2off [options] [input_file] vrml2off will convert a Hedron or Stella generated vrml file to off format. It does not work with Antiprism vrml. Options -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help) --version version information -s adjusts average edge length to 1 (unless -n is used) -m in case of multiple nets, merge them into one -d <dgts> number of significant digits (default 16) or if negative then the number of digits after the decimal point -o <file> file name for output (otherwise prints to stdout) Hedron Options -f <file> outputs Hedron text format to file -c estimates colors from OFF file -r detect rhombi. D parameter added if found -p detect star polygons -x exclude coordinates -t force all faces transparent
vrml2off (vrml file) > (off file)
Programs and Documentation
alt_color - Alternate Color Methods