x3dview.py - View VRML/X3D file with an online html browser VRML/X3D file viewer
usage: x3dview.py [-h] [-v] [-x {x,c}] [-g] [-w] [-url {number from 0 to 2}]
[-browser {number from 0 to 3}]
[-port {number from 0 to 65535}]
[-sleep from 1 to 3600 seconds] [--version]
View VRML/X3D file with an online html browser VRML/X3D file viewer.
if vr1tovr2 is in the path, it will internally convert from VRML 1.0 to VRML 2.0
if tovrmlx3d (of view3dscene) exists, can convert VRML to X3D
Written by Roger Kaufman <polyhedrasmith@gmail.com>
positional arguments:
x3d_file VRML/X3D file (may be compressed). can also be from
standard input
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --vrml2 convert vrml 1.0 to vrml 2.0 (done before -x)
-x {x,c}, --x3d {x,c}
convert vrml 2.0 to xml (x3d) or classic (x3dv)
(default: none)
-g, --gzip compress output with gzip
-w, --writeout write to stdout instead of sending to browser
-url {number from 0 to 2}, --url {number from 0 to 2}
url of online viewer, 0 to list (default: 1)
-browser {number from 0 to 3}, --browser {number from 0 to 3}
browser, 0 to list (default: 2)
-port {number from 0 to 65535}, --port {number from 0 to 65535}
port number for server (default: 8080)
-sleep from 1 to 3600 seconds, --sleep from 1 to 3600 seconds
time in seconds before server shutdown (default: 4)
--version show program's version number and exit
Display a geodesic model at one quarter opacity
off_util geo_t3 | off2vrml | x3dview.py
Produce a model with conway notation, color it with off_color_radial and then
display it without vertices or edges
conway p^2sD | off_color_radial | off2vrml -x ve | x3dview.py
Produce a model with n_icons and display it
n_icons -n 32/8 -t 4 | off2vrml | x3dview.py
Produce a model with n_icons and display it in a windowed view
n_icons -n 48/12 -t 6 -z 3 -M 36,27 | off2vrml | x3dview.py -url 2
Plot 256 random colors. Display on default viewer (1) or windowed viewer (2)
col_util -d 1 -m rand256 | off2vrml -v 0.02 | x3dview -url 1
col_util -d 1 -m rand256 | off2vrml -v 0.02 | x3dview -url 2
Display Uniform Compound 5 in a windows view (using url 2)
off_util uc5 | off2vrml -x ve | x3dview -url 2
Display Uniform Compound 30 in a windows view
off_util uc30 | off2vrml -v 0.02 | x3dview -url 2
x3dview was developed by
Roger Kaufman.
Programs and Documentation