This is a list of references for papers and books sited in the polyhedra pages.
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Peter R. Cromwell, "Polyhedra", Cambridge, 1997.
Michael G. Harman, "Polyhedral Compounds", unpublished manuscript, circa 1974.
E. Hess. 1876 "Zugleich Gleicheckigen und Gleichflächigen Polyeder", Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Berörderung der Gasammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg 11 (1876) pp 5-97.
Luca Pacioli, De Divina Proportione, 1509.
J. Skilling, "Uniform Compounds of Uniform Polyhedra", Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 79, pp. 447-457, 1976.
Ian Stewart, "Cone with a Twist." Scientific American 281, 116-117, Oct. 1999.
O. Rausenberger, Konvexe pseudoreguläre Polyeder. Zeitschrift für mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht 46(1915), 135 – 142. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik 45, page 735.
H. Freudenthal and B. L. van der Waerden, On an assertion of Euclid. (Dutch) Simon Stevin 25(1947), 115 – 121. Math Review 9, page 99c
H. Martyn Cundy, "Deltahedra", Mathematical Gazette, 36: 263-266, 1952.
George Olshevsky, "Breaking Cundy's Deltahedra Record", unpublished manuscript, circa 2006.
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