Marcel Tünnissen has developed an html5 based solution to displaying interactive OFF files on a web page.
The problem with older solutions of displaying graphics such as LiveGraphics3D is that they require plugins and most modern browsers no longer allow them.
The new java script solution will work in all newer browsers.
Here are some testing pages.
Some pages using the java script are here.
Any comments and suggestions are welcome!
| At left is displayed a convex polyhedra Live.
| At left is displayed non-convex polyhedra Live. Some non-convex models may not display correctly such as U75. Pressing 'c' will alternatively set non-convex mode, however, it will affect all models on the page. |
Question or comments about the web page should be directed to
The generation of OFF and VRML files was done with Antiprism.
2024-06-17 Use base.css
2023-07-18 Added Live Links
2019-03-11 Initial Release